Dr Natalie Kemp

Jan 17, 2022

in2gr8mentalhealth Becomes Member of Social Enterprise UK

in2gr8mentalhealth is proud to become a member of Social Enterprise UK. Looking forward to networking, mutual learning and support to grow our Community Interest Company.

We exist solely to empower regulated mental health professionals with lived experience of mental health difficulties. Nothing simpler or more systemically complex than that! We relish the thinking required.

We've been drafting funding applications in the background ready for our conversion to hit, now it has, we've got a funding day planned where we'll be rolling up our sleeves, taking up a funding stance (current martial arts influence on my life), and getting ourselves out there.

Our work is desperately needed and has been of value to those who have come through our doors...our first service evaluation projects is underway. We wanna grow and do more to empower more, but we need inancial help to do so. Got an investor in mind? Let us know and we'll do the leg work. 2022 is all about pulling in the financial energy to make our dreams viable.

We are a dream team here, I just can't see this getting smaller!
