Some elbow grease should do it 😉💪
What is in2gr8mentalhealth?
Blog & News
Getting The Message Out: Harriet @ UCL Stigma Research Unit Interviews Founder Natalie About in2gr8m
"in2gr8mentalhealth talks" in Liverpool
in2gr8mentalhealth speaking at British Psychological Society staff wellbeing conference, Brighton 20
In2gr8mentalhealth speaks with Unite Following the #appliedpsychologistsmatter lobby of Parliament
Psychologists Matter: Speaking at Parliamentary lobby with Unite in Health on 20th May.
Destigmatising and humanising mental ill health by sharing: Mandy Stevens
The Importance of Listening
The felt shame of being a mental health professional with a mental health condition
What legal advice and support is there for mental health professionals experiencing mental ill healt
Being a clinical psychologist in recovery from mental ill health: stigma, identity, 'othering
Wounded Healers
Speaking at the Accreditation Programme for Psychological Therapies #APPTS