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Multi-Trust Staff Mental Health Network

in2gr8mentalhealth aims to develop a practice sharing and reflective space for Leads who run NHS Trust Staff Mental Health Networks across the UKto come together and support each other in developing this work.


The space will be facilitated by one of our Directors and we discuss the following:


  • Share good practice and reflect on process, including obstacles or difficulties.

  • Signpost each other to resources to enrich our networks.


  • Share ways of improving our Trust culture and services for employees with lived experience of mental health difficulties, by harnessing both lived and qualified experience from our Networks. This may include involvement in policy and training for Trust internal agencies e.g. Human Resources, Occupational Health, staff support services, Employee Assistance Programmes, management and supervision practice, and work of the Trust Boards.


  • Share how we can work systemically to influence wider Trust culture to destigmatise being a mental health professional with lived experience of mental health difficulties, and to be mindful of how stigma can cause pain.


  • Support emerging staff mental health networks in Trusts including the logistics of setting up e.g. where and when they can take place, sustaining membership, their relationship to other staff groups and managing requests for anonymity around attendance.

If you are a lead of an NHS Trust Staff Mental Health Network, or are thinking of setting one up and would like to join, get in touch below.





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