Alicia King...of in2gr8 Series Twitter Reviews!
Alicia King, PhD candidate on sharing lived experience of mental health difficulties, has been doing some lovely Twitter threads on the seri
Alicia King...of in2gr8 Series Twitter Reviews!
The Power of Professional Witnessing and Peer Support Against Stigma and Organisational Denial
Thank You To Peer Support
Happy Birthday To Us!!!
Its An HQ! And A Whiteboard! And Converse Trainers!
Approaching A First Birthday
Pain Diminished, Lacking Role Models and Being Stuck In A Broken System
What Do You Do With A 'Problem' Called A Lived Experience Professional?
Delighted to Announce the In2gr8mentalhealth Inaugural Meeting with Support of UEL
Tea and Empathy: Another peer group labour of love for NHS professionals 💛