Over the years, researchers have been in touch with us about their interest in the area of lived experience of mental health difficulties in the regulated mental health professions. We have invited researchers who are currently in progress, or have completed research in this area, to gather together virtually with the aim of encouraging the sharing of findings, questions, and developing ideas for the future. The meeting is on 29th November from 12 until 2pm and we have some spaces remaining - please get in touch.
in2gr8mentalhealth is a centre for valuing, supporting and destigmatising lived experience of mental health difficulties in the mental health professions. We work on the ground inside of this issue as professionals who have lived experience ourselves. Lived experience is at the heart of everything we do. We have an eye to the research that is going on about us and want to engage with it as your stakeholders. We are community minded, so we like gathering people together informally to encourage the exchanges of ideas.
So far, group attendees will be bringing research experience from the following studies:
‘I think it does just opens it up and … you're not hiding it anymore’: Trainee clinical psychologists' experiences of self-disclosing mental health difficulties (completed) |
Factors affecting mental health professionals sharing of lived experience in the workplace (PhD scoping review, completed) |
Exploring the experiences of clinical psychologists in negotiating dual identities (in progress) |
Investigating the Relationship Between Life Events, Stress, Defeat and Entrapment in psychological therapists. (in progress) |
Sharing lived experience in mental health settings (Statutory) (PhD completed) |
The impact of mental health systems / contexts on how mental health professionals navigate their lived experience of mental health difficulties (in progress) |
Therapists 'disclosure' of self harm scars in the therapy space. (in progress) |
Meeting format:
Introduce the in2gr8mentalhealth context for the meeting, introduce ourselves, our research and our stage of research / findings (those that have them).
Any questions or advice that people would like to ask of each other about their research.
Thoughts for future research in this area. What are the gaps? How might in2gr8mentalhealth be useful in supporting?
Please note: As always, there is no need to share personal lived experience of mental health difficulties should you have it, unless you wish to, it is your choice. We work from a point of privacy here. Please consider what feels emotionally safe for you to share on the day by checking in with your internal world. Should you share, your lived experience is always honoured here at in2gr8, please feel free to use whatever language and concepts have been meaningful to you in describing your lived experience. What is shared of personal experience in the group, is confidential to the group, and is not to be shared outside of the group. We will reiterate these ground rules on the day.